A downloadable game for Windows

It is a small fan project extending the dueling minigame from polish game "Reksio i Czarodzieje" into an online multiplayer game. The duel is two peoplewizards fighting against each other in a duel using drawn spells. They are both spells to attack your opponent (all of them inflict some kind of effect), as well as spells that defend against specific offensive spells. All spells available in the current version are listed in the main menu.

This project is done after hours (currently college) when I have time and energy to play with Unity Mirror Networking, so please be understanding about how much time I take for next version.

In case of any problems you can create issues on this GitHub repository: https://github.com/Maciekxdabu/Tripoultry-Tournament-Issues/issues
Since this is more of a hobby project I will also put higher priority into features and balance rather than cheat prevention (as it mostly adds nothing new to the game), so please be kind with each other and try not to destroy the fun for others (remember about the Kind Wednesday). I will still try to prevent what I can, but it is just not a priority for me.

You can also follow the project progress on my public table on Trello: https://trello.com/b/W5tK2AEg
Also mind the mess. Maybe I will tidy it up one day...

Any video material about the project will be uploaded and added to this youtube playlist (in polish though): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEs_yj5yVXhH_fjoXc1bQ72SVhMsj7SWq

Now a small wall of text about how to play (I am very sorry about that):

In order to play "properly" at the moment:
- You need to connect to your opponent somehow:
    - One of you needs to start a Host and another connect as a Client, this can be done by (try in order if the current one does not work)
        - if you are on the same physical or virtual network use first half of the UI in the upper-right corner, by using "Start Host" for the Host and "Find Server" for the Client
        - if the server cannot be found (which can happen unfortunately) you can use the second part of the UI by using "Host (Server + Client)" and "Client" buttons to start Host and connect as a Client respectively. In this case the proper IP needs to be inputed into the field "localhost". If you are on the same network you can easily read that IP from the device you are connected to (be it router, mobile hotspot or something different)
        - Other than that you can only connect using your public IP with the second method (but I disadvice it as it can be dangerous, it is way safer to use some sort of virtual local network [like e.g. Hamachi or ZieroTier {not sponsored}]).
- For those remaining they have to wait until I complete some dedicated server solution (which I cannot make any promises to if it will be done any time soon unfortunately)

After you connect you can start the duel by both clicking "Ready" button (will implement countdown timer very soon, right now game starts immediately when second player clicks "Ready"). After the duel finishes (after three successful hits) you can start it again immediately by clicking "Ready" again. If you want to change the opponent you have to unfortunately Close and Open the game again and connect again.

End of wall of text :)


Tripoultry_Tournament_0_4_3_x86_64.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

Just unpack the zip file to have the game ready to play
(It should be enough to choose "Unpack Here" as there is already a folder prepared)

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